Online Meditation Classes Private

Instant Relief from Stress, Anxiety & Negative Emotions 

Join Thousands Successfully Learning to Meditate

The Zen Room ®

My mission is to act as a circuit breaker for the non-stop lifestyle that leads to burnout, and help people to enhance their overall wellbeing.
I offer easy, effective and enjoyable 30 – minute private meditation classes for people with busy minds and busy lives and who have typically found other forms of mindfulness meditation difficult to engage with due to difficulties quieting their mind.

The Zen Room differs from other mindfulness meditation classes in three ways:

  • Blending traditional techniques to create meditations that are accessible and relevant for everyone.
  • Gentle breathing techniques to calm and relax the core column of your nervous system.
  • Sound therapy: Used in conjunction with our meditations. Neurological studies, have proven sound therapy relieves stress, anxiety and improves moods.

Just simply click on the date and time you want to attend your private meditation class. It couldn’t be easier !

Scientifically Proven Benefits


  • Strengthens Sleep Brain Region
  • Melatonin: Boosts Sleep Chemical
  • Cools Brainwaves for Insomnia
  • Buries Stress &  Worries
  • Boosts the brain waves of Sleep
  • Fight insomnia, improving sleep
  • Temperature drops & heart rate slows
  • Improves sleep efficiency & quality

Physical Health

  • Improves immune system 
  • Improves breathing & heart rates
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • More longevity & energy
  • Lessens heart & brain problems
  • Lessens inflammatory disorders
  • Balances the hormones
  • Reduces stress-related conditions

Mental health

  • Increases mental strength & focus
  • Increases memory retention & recall
  • Better cognitive & creative thinking
  • Decision making & problem-solving
  • Improved intellectual performance
  • Increases productivity & mental clarity
  • Enhances attention and focus
  • Enhances leadership qualities


  • Lessens worry, anxiety & impulsivity
  • Lessens stress, fear, depression
  • Enhances self-esteem/acceptance
  • Improves resilience 
  • Increases optimism & clarity
  • Helps prevent emotional eating
  • Improves emotional intelligence
  • Self-control and self-awareness

Private Meditation Classes that Work

Join the thousands that have had success with our meditation classes.

About Emma

Emma is the founder of The Zen Room mindfulness meditation Studio, the first of its kind in Australia. Emma’s meditation training and teachings has been sort after in the medical field, universities and the corporate sector. Many people have heard about the far-reaching benefits of meditation and mindfulness yet have found it difficult to practice on a regular basis due to difficulties quieting their mind. Emma provides a more mainstream approach to meditation & mindfulness making it easy to adopt into your modern life and enjoy the many health and wellbeing benefits.  Emma has been involved in teaching for over 25yrs her work has taken her around the world – leading thousands in meditation.

Emma’s Experience

  • Monash University – Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
  • (MBSR) Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR),  created by professor Jon Kabat-Zinn University of Massachusetts Medical School .
  • Completed CE accredited course with Jack Kornfield, PhD (Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India)
  • Angamardana – Isha Foundation India – (Hatha Yoga)
  • Inner Engineering – Isha Foundation of India – Inner Wellbeing
  • Isha Kriya Facilitators course – Isha Foundation India (A powerful Meditation for Self Transformation)
  • Surya Kriya – Isha Foundation India (Hatha Yoga)
  • World-wide Qualified dance adjudicator and examiner (AM Dance Studios)

What others are saying

Adam Zuchowski

“I really enjoyed my first experience at the Zen Room. The moment I walked in I was greeted by a warm friendly smile and a calming relaxed atmosphere. I’ve always been unsure about meditation but after my deep relaxation meditation class, I honestly felt amazing. I found in the past that lying down in a class would just make me feel sleepy and distracted. The chairs in the Zen room were so comfy, I felt like they helped me focus on the actual meditation. I highly recommend the Zen Room. 

Justine Pepper

“I used to think, ‘I can’t ever quiet my mind, how can I learn to meditate?’ After my classes with Emma, I find meditating to be so easy and enjoyable. I look forward to my time in The Zen Room as my special treat for myself. The great variety of meditation classes keeps it fresh and new, it’s wonderful to have a choice of attending a class for happiness or other days for mindfulness. My stress levels have dropped and I simply feel amazing since having a regular practice.”

Carney Sims

I stumbled upon The Zen Room while struggling to come to terms with a difficult health diagnosis earlier this year, finding myself in great need of a mentally grounding tool, as well as physical pain relief. I truly have noticed a shift in my perspective, thinking and behavioral patterns, stress levels, and even a decrease in physical pain right after some practices. I adore the values Emma speaks of such as being responsive rather than reactive, feeling your cells rejuvenate during each practice, and the ripple effect in terms of how our energy creates a chain reaction in the world. I notice myself respond to situations with a sense of calm, rather than letting my mind become wired up in stressful environments.

Courtney Baldwin

Walking through those doors is honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Before I started, I was tired, had constant brain fog and was really just overwhelmed by life in general, and to top it off I’ve suffered from anxiety for most of my life. I no longer am constantly tired and foggy, things that frustrated or overwhelmed me in the past were no longer affecting me. I just felt like I was becoming a better mum, wife, friend, and colleague. Ultimately, I just felt so balance – I was operating at a level I hadn’t known before. In addition to all of this, I found my anxiety abating dramatically; no longer was I dealing with the physical effects and the sheer exhaustion that anxiety can cause.