The Zen Room ® Virtual Corporate Meditation Studio for Employees.
Used by Australian companies to help keep employees stress-free. It's proven!

'The Zen Room has single-handedly changed our culture to a positive stress free environment'

Corporate Meditation Classes for Workplaces

Workplace Corporate Meditation is scientifically proven as the single most powerful tool to manage stress & build mental resilience.

Included with The Zen Room ®  Virtual Corporate Meditation Studio:

  • Exclusive to your team: LIVE guided online meditation classes with Emma.
  • 24hr access to replays available on-demand. Allowing all employees to be self-sufficient meditators, handling their own stress when needed.

Give your team a little ZEN and watch them thrive!

No downloading of apps – employees simply click on your company link we provide, it takes them straight into your companies private & exclusive virtual meditation studio where all LIVE class will be held on days and times the company has selected. We couldn’t make it easier for you!

To have your company gain access to The Zen Room Virtual Corporate Meditation Studio –  Call on 0487487111 or Fill in the form below

THE ZEN ROOM Virtual Corporate Meditation Studio

LIVE Online Corporate Meditation Classes that Work 

Join the thousands that attend our unique guided online meditation classes.
 Quick, Easy and Simple.

The Zen Room ® – Virtual corporate meditation studio for LIVE guided online meditation classes.

Our mission is to act as a circuit breaker for the non-stop lifestyle that leads to burnout, and help people to enhance their overall wellbeing.
The Zen Room offers quick, easy, effective and enjoyable mindfulness meditation classes for people with busy minds and busy lives and who have typically found other forms of mindfulness and meditation difficult to engage with due to difficulties quieting their mind.

The Zen Room differs from other corporate mindfulness meditation classes in three ways:

Blending traditional techniques to create meditations that are accessible and relevant for everyone.
Gentle breathing techniques to calm and relax the core column of your nervous system.
Sound therapy: Used in conjunction with our meditations. Neurological studies, have proven sound therapy relieves stress, anxiety and improves moods.

With The Zen Room technique thousands have easily and effortlessly gained all the amazing benefits of a successful meditation experience – even those who have never been able to previously settle their minds and find stillness.

Virtual Private Team Sessions

    What Companies Are Saying About Incorporating Zen Meditation and Mindfulness Into Their Workplace

    It seems like all the innovative CEOs are joining the mindful movement. Whether these companies introduced corporate meditation as a productivity hack or as a genuine way to enhance lives, here’s what these meditating corporations have to say.

    Insurance Giant, Aetna

    • A highly stressed employee costs the company an extra $2,000 per year in healthcare, when compared to their less-stressed peers
    • Health care costs at Aetna – which total more than $90 million a year – are going down now that they offer mindfulness programs
    • As corporate meditation and mindfulness programs ramped up, health care costs fell a total of 7 percent. (That equals $6.3 million going straight to the bottom line, partly attributed to mindfulness training)
    • Aetna calculated that productivity gains alone were about $3,000 per employee, equaling an eleven-to-one return on investment

    Tech Giant, Google

    Many of the participants were hard-core scientists, initially reporting skepticism towards the benefits of the course. However, after the course the participants reported improved creativity, well-being and focus, decreased levels of stress and stronger enthusiasm in projects and meetings. The meditation courses, can help improve not only employee mental health and wellbeing, but the company’s bottom line as well.

    Entrepreneur, Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs took a practice that worked for him and shared it with Apple’s corporate culture. He was considered a pioneer of “mind technology” when he introduced Zen mindfulness meditation to the corporate structure at Apple. Workers have access to a meditation room, 30-minute daily meditation breaks, and on-site yoga and meditation classes, which were all part of a process that Steve used to reduce his own stress, gain more clarity, and enhance his creativity.

    World Class Coach - Emma Wallace

    Emma Wallace is the founder of The Zen Room mindfulness meditation Studio, the first of its kind in Australia. Emma’s meditation training and teachings has been sort after in the medical field, universities and the corporate sector. Many people have heard about the far-reaching benefits of meditation and mindfulness yet have found it difficult to practice on a regular basis due to difficulties quieting their mind. Emma provides a more mainstream approach to meditation & mindfulness making it easy to adopt into your modern life and enjoy the many health and wellbeing benefits.  Emma has been involved in teaching for over 25yrs her work has taken her around the world – leading thousands in meditation.

    Emma’s Experience

    • Monash University – Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
    • (MBSR) Mindfulness-based stress reduction facilitator Jon Kabat-Zinn University of Massachusetts Medical School.
    • Completed CE Meditation accredited course with Jack Kornfield, PhD.
    • Inner Engineering – Isha Foundation of India – Inner Wellbeing
    • Isha Kriya Facilitators course – Isha Foundation India (A powerful Meditation for Self Transformation)
    • Surya Kriya – Isha Foundation India (Hatha Yoga)
    • Angamardana – Isha Foundation India – (Hatha Yoga)

    Scientists now speak of ‘neuroplasticity’, the brain’s ability to continually change its structure and respond to new experiences

    “One of the great tragedies of our time is that we significantly underestimate our capacity for change. It is possible, little by little, to arrive at an optimal way of being. I cannot emphasise enough how much meditation and mind training can change our lives and bring about an inner revolution, which is profound and peaceful, and affects the quality of every moment of our experience.”  Matthieu Ricard

    Stress & Performance in The Workplace

    Above – ‘The stress performance curve’. A  certain amount of stress is actually good for performance, which in turn lifts us out of apathy. At zero stress, often we’re quite sort of apathetic and not doing a whole lot. And a little bit of stress can motivate us to actually start working and it could be quite good for us. But there comes a point at the top of that curve, that’s our peak performance when we’re motivated by stress. And then, of course, any more stress tips itself down the other side of the curve, and our performance will start to decrease.

    How Does Corporate Meditation Help With Managing Stress & Optimising Performance?

    In today’s climate stress can take a toll on even those who normally are able to let things roll off their back. The key to dealing with a stressful situation is to develop a cellular memory of how to fall back into stillness and calm when dealing with situations that would otherwise cause you stress or burnout. No matter what size of wave one encounters you can recover quickly and proceed with more clarity and focus. Through a corporate meditation practice, you will develop the ability to very quickly and easily shift out of a reactive mode into a calm and comfortable ease.

    Research has shown that a meditation and mindfulness practice can affect the amount of activity in the amygdala, the walnut-sized area in the centre of the brain responsible for regulating emotions. When the amygdala is relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system engages to counteract the anxiety response. The heart rate lowers, breathing deepens and slows, and the body stops releasing cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream; these stress hormones provide us with quick energy in times of danger but have damaging effects on the body in the long term if they’re too prevalent. Mindfulness meditation actually thickens the bilateral, prefrontal right-insular region of the brain, the area responsible for optimism and a sense of well-being, spaciousness, and possibility. This area is also associated with creativity and an increased sense of curiosity, as well as the ability to be reflective and observe how your mind works.

    Corporate Meditation & Mindfulness training has been used as a tool in psychotherapy, and The ZEN Room has been successfully introducing it to the field of business. Meditation practice has a positive impact on concentration, memory, creativity, emotional intelligence, and motivation. There is increasing evidence from the field of neuroscience suggesting that meditation practice can enhance employees’ job performance via its influence on the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems. Confirming that a meditation practice is an effective intervention strategy to improve job performance in the business world.

    Obviously, learning to communicate mindfully means we communicate more effectively, we’re better listeners, we’re better communicators in general, so that has implications for leadership as well.

    Definition of Mindfulness

    “Perhaps the simplest way to describe it is to say that mindfulness is the practice of paying attention: knowing where our attention is and being able to choose where to direct it.” – McKenzie
    When you walk, walk. When you drive, drive. When you spend time with your family, be with your family.

    Why Meditation

    Meditation is a practice that makes it possible to cultivate and develop certain basic positive human qualities. Meditation gives us a clear and accurate way of seeing things and cultivating wholesome qualities for those around us. Creating the perfect balance between the mind and the body is one of the most difficult tasks that can be achieved. Meditation is a perfect way to find this balance. It helps people find peace within themselves. It helps people find peace with their surroundings. It helps people find peace with their own life.

    The Benefits of Meditation Research shows that daily meditation can …

    • reduce stress
    • reduce anxiety
    • reduce the tendency towards anger
    • reduce relapses for people suffering depression
    • strengthen the immune system
    • reinforce positive emotions
    • improve attention
    • reduce blood pressure